Wet air oxidation of textile dye using homogenous catalyst of Tio2 in presence of UV light illumination

Textile processing is a traditional activity in India during which many organic and inorganic chemicals are added while part of it absorbed by the textile, the remaining chemical are discharged along with the waste water contain both easily Bio-degradable synthetic organics like dye, syntam etc., Easily bio-degradable organics are removed in the existing biological treatment units and synthetic organics present in the waste water are mostly adsorbed over the microbes. The recalcitrant compounds are carried over in the final treated effluent. To increase the bio-degradability of one of the complex, synthetic organic chemicals like dye used in the textile operation was selected for advanced Oxidiation process (AOPs) treatment for breaking complex organics and subsequent increase in the bio-Degradability of waste water.
In our study, the degradable of methylene blue in synthetic dye was performed by homogenous photo chemical and heterogenous photo catalytic process using a batch reactor at room temperature and at natural Ph.  The fresh powder of Tio2 were used as semiconductor particle under UV light illumination.  Their efficiency of photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue was studied and presence of H+ ions was also highlighted.
The factor of study includes agitation speed, effect of dye concentration and effect of Tio2 dosage. The kinetics of catalytic reaction and the reusability of the catalyst were also studied. At 0.1 gm of Tio2 with every 500 ml of the sample solution of 50ppm concentration a highest of 95% of dye removal was obtained.
Keywords: Tio2, Methylene Blue, UV light illumination, Advanced oxidation process

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