Determination of kinetic parameters for the production of protease from solid state fermentation by bacillus subtilis ncim 2724

A protease is an enzyme that conducts proteolysis through the hydrolysis of the peptide bonds between amino acids in a polypeptide chain. These polypeptide chains form proteins and therefore a protease is an enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller chains. As proteases have wide range of industrial applications, production of proteases became an important research now days. Different micro organisms including bacteria, fungi, yeast may employ in laboratories for the production of proteases using various raw materials. Production of Proteases employing the laboratory isolates of Bacillus  species under solid  state  fermentation  and  its  kinetic  study  are  the  aims  of  the present study. With  the  optimized  conditions  of  incubation  time  24hrs, temperature  300c,  moisture  content  40% w/v , inoculum  level  of  0.8 w/w , and  with  substrate  concentration  of  10grms  and  pH  of  8.0 ,  glucose  concentration  2.0% w/w ,the  kinetic  parameters  ยตmax (0.026 hr-1) ,  Yield  coefficient  Yx/s  (0.18) cell  doubling  time  td (20min)   was  determined.  
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